Aunty was ably assisted by Thin Arthur aka Rory O'Donoghue who always acted as the voice of reason and prevented many a person from having their arms ripped off by Aunty.
Garry McDonald also made appearances in the show and played two memorable characters, roving reporter Norman Gunston and Kid Eager. Gunston was there at Parliament House when Gough Whitlam was sacked...one of the most memorable moments of the whole incident!
The TV show was at the forefront of comedy around the mid-1970s and is fondly remembered.
Most of their lunacy is on DVD and there is a double CD of their music called "Aunty Jack Sings Wollongong".
"Teenage Butcher" and "Doin' The Kev" came out in 1975 on the Polydor label. Both tracks are in a zip file - no password - courtesy of regular contributor Jimmy Barnes, who as you can see, has a rare signed copy of the single!
I've arrived a couple of years too late, it seems! Loved the album, never heard about these obscure singles... Any chance of a re-upload please?