"Eagle Rock" released early 1971 was their first. It was named the second-best Australian song of all time at the 2001 APRA Awards. “Eagle Rock” has been released on CD a million times by now. Buried in my collection of CDs I have the 1992 remixes with dance versions etc…it has been a staple at parties since it was released.
Their second single "Come Back Again" was released in September 1971 and reached #3. “Come Back Again” had been on CD too but always the single edit until 2007 when finally the long version was transferred to CD. Buried in my collection I have the maxi 12” single of this one which has a much better bass line than the CD version.
"Hi Honey Ho" their third single, was released in December 1971 and reached #16 in 1972. It too has always been released as the 3 minute single mix on CD, as the album master with the long 6 minute version has been “lost” for a long time - but recently found!
NB. At the bottom of this blog page is the song "The Moment " by group "Mondo Rock" which is a post "Daddy Cool" band which featured Ross Wilson, lead vocalist of DC.
Here is the link to the ultra rare maxi 12” single version of "Hi Honey Ho" transferred by moi. I hope you like it as much as I do, it's a killer track!
http://rapidshare.com/files/153859210/daddy_cool_-_hi_honey_ho__long_version_by_tom_mix_.mp3Attention Shoppers:
According to the CD release sheets 2009, the long version of "Hi Honey Ho" has been located and will be on a compilation CD as of 26-1-2009: On the Prowl-Australian Pop of the 70's Vol 2 - Various (Sony).